Monday, August 24, 2009

I have my visa! Joie!

Anyone, and everyone, who has ever had to apply for a travel visa knows what a total pain in the neh-nen this could be. Having had pretty rough experiences in the past at the American, Canadian, and Italian embassies, I had mentally prepared myself to deal with long lines, hours upon hours of waiting, screaming, condescending visa officials, and security procedures so tight that you are made to feel that your cell phone and iPod have suddenly become potential weapons of mass destruction.

So you can imagine my shock when I breezed in an out of the French embassy in twenty minutes, my stress level not having been raised even once while inside. The visa officer was pleasant, professional, and did not once make me feel like a criminal for wanting to spend time in her country. And while a part of me now feels like breaking in to a ten paragraph rant about all the injustices and humiliations that I, or people I know, have suffered while trying to obtain travel visas in the past, I will try to exercise some restraint, because you know what? I am in a great mood now! I have my visa! Next step, Paris!

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